Sunday, March 22, 2009

Hello again.

Well I do hope to complete week #4 today so I shall get down to it.

I must say though that in selecting the third Wiki to look at I realised that with a blog name like mine (Bibliophile) I could not go past the Book Lovers Wiki from the Princetown Public Library.

Well I’ve had a bit of a look at it and to be honest it seems a little anticlimactic.

The Wiki appears to be fairly small.

Conversely as the product of a public library I can understand that it would be better for it to be small and reflective of the community, rather then become a major Book reviewing site. I suppose that this Wiki serves as a reminder that Wiki’s are useful as both vehicle of mass and community centred communication.

Well that’s that task done! (Thankfully).

Now on to the next bit...

... I'm not sure if I can bring my self to edit the State Library Learning 2.0 Wiki.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Week #4

Right Wikis… Well I use Wikipedia whenever I have a general quarie, but apart from that I didn’t realise that there was more to wiki’s then just being a giant online dictionary / encyclopaedia.

I love the fact though that the German Wikipedia was more accurate then the german encyclopaedia.


I so need to leave a post-it on my desk so that I can remember where I am up to with this program.

So anyway,

Discover task:

Wiki No. 1

Mint Museums etc…

I found it a little off-putting at first.

At the bottom of one of one of the info pages it said something along the lines of “you don’t have permission to comment on this page”. I got a little annoyed at first cause I thought ‘what was the difference between this and a normal web page?’. If the general public can’t comment and make changes to the pages then how is it different from a having a group run website?’.

However once I scrolled back to the top of the page and saw the option to edit the page I realised that the site just wants to to log into it’s system so as to stop bots (computer programs that sign up to systems or spread spam automatically) and the like.

I think my first reaction highlights the problems with facing a new incarnation of technology. Until you become familiar with them the new system it is very easy to get frustrated with it.

Wiki No.2


What can I say about wookieepedia?

Well it has enlitened me about the fact that there seems to be more to the Star Wars story then just the movies (which is kinda disturbing).

I like the Wiki though, it is easy to move between pages of information (via the hyperlinks) and I like pages that work like this.I think that’s one of the reasons the main Wikipedia pages is so popular. If you find the entry that you were looking for you can look at related pieces of information (with out having to go old school and look up information one topic at a time).

I think it resembles the way our own knowledge retrieval system (our brain) works. Our knowledge is part of a broader structure, this is part of that which is related to this’ and hyperlinks show and enable this. Where as word set down on a page are (as the Web 2.0 introduction video says) liner. Which I don’t think is how our mind functions (well my mind anyway… you know it probably explains why I’m so scattered most of the time).

Anyway must rust off for Mitchell training so I shall have to look at the third site next time.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Team Work!!!

Image of Energy

Hello Hello!

Well I have looked at flickr, which I must admit was quite interesting. I am having a serious think about joining and putting some of my photos up there.

I’ve been a good student too and gone in search of an image which reflects the library’s values. I picked the idea of Energy, though I realise now that they probably meant for us to look for energy and teamwork together… well if I get energised by my photo that I’m about to post then I may go and have a look for “team work” themed image.
You know now that I have looked at it again I am a little more energised, so I might go and find another image this time of tem work.

Oh yeah... I found it straight away. I think we all feel like this at times!!! I'll put it in the next post.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hello! Hello!
Well this is my first post.
I have had a blog before but not one hosted with blogger. That account has long fallen into disuse (I wonder if it is still running?) so I will attempt to keep this one up to date.
I’ve had some experience with the web 2.0 features that this program will be going through, but I am far from an expert so I hope the next few weeks will be informative and interesting.
That’s about all for now,