Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I really need to stop playing with my fish.

Maybe I should get a fish tank for my desk, better yet - a hermit crab.

Yeah! I'm going to get a hermit crab for my desk.

Evaluation cont'd


Google Alerts
Ok I've been in and had a look at the Library's Google Analytics account - looks cool. Nobody asks for stats so I haven't really looked very hard.

Survey Monkey
Used - nice free tool.

Don't use flickr

Blog writing prompts

•Did you find out something you did not know about through your google alert? If so what?

No (cause I may not have used it)

•What is your experience of using web 2.0 evaluation tools?

Easy, anything I don't know I pick up or Google the answer. :)

Evaluation - Week 16

Oh man...


HA! I knew I had a saved post for this week.

Just found it. This is what I've written about this topic so far:


Meh... I'm not really sold on Delicious.


Well that's about it I think. Delicious is a nice idea, but since I vaguely know how to use google I can find what I want with out too much effort.