Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Back again.

I was surprised to find that my blog was still up and running.
Even more surprising was that I remembered what my log in details were.

 So far changes that I have made to my blog include:
- new skin
- took out broken widgets
- put in new cool widgets
- installed a fish pond (please feed the fish)

For those current colleagues of mine reading this - please excuse any posts from my web 2.0 days. I'm not sure what I should be asking forgiveness for - as I do not intend on going back and reading the posts, but I am sure that there is something that I regret in those historical documents.

Anyway down to business:

Notes about 25 basic styles of blogging... And when to use each one:

What? Really?

Who has had the time to write about this? and honestly a blog is a blog - why bother putting a category on it?

That's almost as bad as the reference query I had the other day when a student wanted me to find her a book about how to make, style and structure a wiki. She wasn't very happy when I showed her google searches which would give her these answers.
I think she is kinda missing the point of web 2.0 (let alone web 2.1).

On to more business:

1. Find a new look for your blog. Once you have logged on to Blogger, click the Layout tab. From here you can choose a new template and/or change the fonts and colors of your old or new template.

(just realised that my screen had opened up in html - so just had to reformat this whole page... bummer)

2. Take a look at Page Elements. Blogger has added new Gadgets (called widgets on other sites) since we started the first course.


3. Update the information on your profile. From the Dashboard click Edit Profile and edit, or add to the information. You don’t have to reveal all there is to know about you.

Done - or will do once I finish this post.

4. Consider your display name (Under Identity on Edit Profile page). Best practices indicate that in a learning community such as this one, knowing who the participants are contributes to the cohesiveness and collegiality of the community. You don’t have to put in your entire real name you can still remain anonymous.

Anonymous, anonymous all the way (even though anyone reading this already knows more or less who I am).

Now it's 10:10am - time for a coffee I believe (ok, ok after I play with my details).

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